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One more thing: dat tail needs to be wagging.

- Make melee attacks do more push-back on enemies. 

- If you want to sell it I think it needs a tutorial

- Where you can transition from one screen to the next is a bit unclear. 

- Cute characters and nice monsters,  add some splash art to the characters you will be able to talk to, and maybe a popup image of enemies in the corner as you are fighting them, giving the player a better look at the design. 

- Change the black background on this screen so I can see what I write... 

- Needs music, I can make something for you if you want. 

-Hiding a lot of enemies behind a door is such a dick move, I love it, but other people will get angry. 

I like this, have only played it a little for now. Will get back to you with more later today, I have progress to make!

Thank u a lot for playing, i appreciate the music offer but i like doing my own music.

Also this page is staying in complete darkness, if u wanna see things youll have to use this page instead

(1 edit)

That is one fucking banging tune. I will now imagine you to be an extremely smooth black guy.